Kegel gymnastics and exercises for the penis

Let’s get straight with the wording: Kegel exercises for men is a misnomer, although that’s the one you see most often on the Internet. Kegel exercises are designed exclusively for women, and the penis exercises that you probably want to know about are called “training the pubococcygeal muscle.” It is this muscle that is responsible for your ejaculation, so working on it can bring tremendous benefits. If you have erection problems, you can also buy modern medication at

Who is Arnold Kegel: the history of Kegel gymnastics

Arnold Kegel’s name is still on everyone’s lips, although his gymnastics were invented back in the early 20th century. This American gynecologist with German roots was working on a machine that could measure the strength of the vaginal tissues – he needed it to treat female patients’ urinary incontinence. How amazed the doctor was when he found a significant improvement in muscle tone in patients who simply used his measuring device. As a result, even ladies with low sensitivity were able to have orgasms and forget about problems in intimate life.

And the most interesting thing turned out later – Kegel exercise complex for men gives exactly the same results! Your body also has intimate muscles, which are responsible for an erection, a vivid orgasm and the health of the pelvic organs.

Why do it

Surely you have doubts: why do I need this Kegel exercises for guys, if I have a normal erection and I have no problems with it? Think about it: you also go to the gym not because you have any problems, but in order to tone your body, make it stronger and more trained. The Kegel complex for men works on the same principle: you begin to feel your pubococcygeal muscles and can control their work. Among other things, this leads to the development of the ability to delay ejaculation – just imagine that you can bring any woman to orgasm by delaying your ejaculation.

There are often advertisements on the internet for various “magic” pills or drops that give a guy the ability to have sex for a long time, but it is the training of a man’s intimate muscles that really works and has no side effects.

The benefits of the workout:

  • So, Kegel gymnastics for real men, you yourself begin to control the intensity of your erection and its duration;
  • You automatically get the prevention of stagnation in the pelvic organs, which usually leads to prostatitis and other unpleasant consequences;
  • Gain the ability to experience multiple orgasms by controlling ejaculation;
  • Become a wonderful lover – every woman has an orgasm with you;
  • Maintain your masculine strength until your old age;
  • Sexual life becomes bright, interesting and rich.

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