This easy keto friendly low-carb beef and broccoli stir fry is for all my peeps who are trying to enjoy life while still cutting down on carbs. Savory juicy beef and tender green broccoli in an addictive sauce. Super tasty and...
Here is a light and refreshing keto friendly salad- perfect for warm summer days! Stuffed Avocados with Shrimp and Tarragon. The shrimp salad can be made ahead and keeps for several days getting ever more flavorful as it marinates....
Light and fluffy, Japanese Cheesecake is a delicious gift for a real cheesecake lover. It’s a melt-in-your-mouth combination of creamy cheesecake and airy soufflé. A second (or more) serving is a guarantee!...
This healthy Greek salad with added avocado and an easy-to-make Greek salad dressing is just the right recipe for simple no-cooking eats all summer long....
This French lemon yogurt cake is so easy to make and the result is one incredibly delicious, moist, light and flavorful loaf that works for so many occasions. It’s no wonder this is on every French cook’s list. This post is...
Date night shouldn’t be a stressful thing, and it shouldn’t be either boring or too experimental either. As long as your date is ok with cilantro, this one is a surefire date pleaser that can be done strictly by the numbers....
My husband I don’t argue about much, but we do argue about aioli. Yep, aioli. We argue about the degree to which it is similar or different from mayonnaise. I say that aioli is practically sisters with mayonnaise, while he claims that the...
If your family is asking for a classic turkey dinner, but you don’t have the time and energy, this Slow Cooker Turkey Breast Recipe is a great option. Pair it with your favorite sides and you’ve got a winner winner turkey...
Google Summer of Code (GSoC) was such a great experience for students like me. I learned so much about open source communities as well as contributing to their complex projects....